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Social Security

We provide advice and representation to challenge unfair social security decisions.

Mum and baby son hugging and smiling

Free, specialist and confidential advice on all social security issues

To speak to one of our advisers, telephone our advice line:

  • 028 9024 4401
  • Monday to Friday
  • 09.30-13:00

We can also provide advice and representation for people who are challenging social security decisions in court.

If you are a member of the public and need advice about a social security issue, click the button below to find out more about our service.

I am a member of the public
Group of people shaking hands

We support the advice network throughout Northern Ireland

Our legal team provides advice and assistance to social security advisers throughout Northern Ireland.

We regularly publish legal information resources to keep advisers updated about developments in social security law and practice.

Our Professional Learning programme helps advisers to develop their skills and knowledge.

If you are a social security adviser, click the button below to find out more about how we can help you.

I am a social security adviser

Working to achieve fairness in the administration of bereavement benefits

Our legal and policy teams work to ensure recently bereaved parents receive the financial support they need.

Read more about eligibility for bereavement benefits
Mother and young daughter sitting on the beach looking at each other

Lorraine's story

Lorraine came to us after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Lorraine had applied for Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit, but her claims were refused. While people suffering from terminal illnesses can receive fast tracked benefit awards, the rules stated that only people with less than six months to live were eligible. Lorraine’s condition meant that her doctors were unable to say exactly how long she would live.

Our legal and policy teams challenged the decision in Lorraine’s case. In court, we argued that it was unfair to treat Lorraine differently to someone who has only six months to live. Meanwhile, we worked with Marie Curie NI, the Motor Neurone Disease Association and others to campaign for a change in the law.

In April 2022, legislation was changed to extend the six-month limit to 12 months. 

Lorraine passed away in July 2022.  Everyone at the Law Centre is so grateful for her bravery and courage.  She challenged the benefits system to ensure that no one else had to go through what she did.

Read Lorraine's story in our Impact Report