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Our clients are at the heart of everything we do and their stories explain our work - and the impact we have - best.
Rachel's story
'Rachel' received a letter from Universal Credit which stated that she had been overpaid by approximately £25,000 and now had to repay it.
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Alina and Daniela's story
“You have given this family a lifeline and brought great joy and relief to their lives.”
Michael's story
We helped our client, Michael O’Donnell, challenge the rules on Bereavement Support Payment (BSP).
Lorraine's story
We helped our client, Lorraine Cox, to challenge the Special Rules on Terminal Illness.
Paul's story
We supported our client Paul who was made redundant during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Louise's" story
We assisted our client "Louise" to appeal a decision to refuse her Personal Independence Payment.
"Andrew's" story
We represented "Andrew" in a Personal Independence Payment appeal, resulting in an arrears payment of benefits totalling almost £53,000.
"Ben's" story
Trying to navigate issues in the workplace can be difficult, but particularly for migrant workers where English might not be their first language.
"Aminah's" story
Our client "Aminah" came to us for advice after her income fell by more than £1,500 per month as a result of the Benefit Cap.
"Ada's" story
Our client "Ada" urgently needed guidance and support with a late application for her skilled worker visa.
“Ada’s” story
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