Essential information for support organisations in Northern Ireland
The Nationality and Borders Act 2022 (“the NBA”) became law on 28 April 2022. The NBA makes significant changes to the UK asylum and trafficking systems. Many of the NBA provisions became law over summer 2022. Some provisions have not been implemented yet. The NBA is vast in scope. This paper outlines some essential information that support organisations in Northern Ireland should know about the legislation.
This guide focusses on:
- Differential treatment of refugees
- Requirement of full disclosure
- New criminal offences
- Status granted to victims/survivors of human trafficking
This brief guide is intended to help support organisations understand how the NBA will affect their members / clients / service users. It is not exhaustive but instead focusses on the most significant changes. Remember that only OISC registered advisers or solicitors are authorised to provide immigration advice.
Download guide here.