Our policy work focuses on protecting and promoting the human rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
Our particular policy priorities include:
- Preventing or addressing destitution and homelessness
- Access to public services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers including education, social security, healthcare and housing
- The right to work
- Trafficking and exploitation
- A Refugee Integration Strategy for Northern Ireland
- North-South immigration matters

We work closely with governmental and non-governmental partners on immigration rights
We work with organisations including the Refugee and Asylum Forum to ensure our policy work is informed by direct experience.
As the Northern Ireland member of the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group, we seek to influence immigration policy at a UK-wide level.
We also convene the North-South Immigration Forum.

Policy documents
In our Resource Library, you will find our Policy Team’s publications on Social Security, Immigration and Employment law.
These include:
- Legal Information Briefings which provide a guide for the advice network, policy makers and legislators on the issues we are working on.
- Consultation responses where we respond to consultation requests from government and non-governmental organisations on topics related to our work.
- An archive of our past publications.