Every year, people in Northern Ireland make a claim to the Office of the Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment Tribunal in the hope of resolving their employment matters. That process can be daunting and stressful, and it is entirely natural to feel nervous about the prospect of submitting a claim.
Law Centre NI has launched a new video guide on the Employment Tribunal process, which will help people to understand what they should expect when submitting a claim.
Funded by the Department for the Economy, the Law Centre’s video guide – available in English, Hungarian, Lithuanian, and Polish – is split into two chapters so that people can learn about the steps they will go through before a Hearing takes place, as well as what happens on the day of the Hearing.
It follows Anne’s journey as she navigates the Early Conciliation process – where parties try to settle a dispute before going to court – through to the final Hearing in front of the Tribunal.
The video guide to the Employment Tribunal is intended to be used alongside our written guide to help alleviate some of the stress that comes with taking a case to the Tribunal.
Ursula O’Hare, Director of Law Centre NI said: “We are acutely aware of how difficult it can be to take a claim to the Employment Tribunal. The fact that we were able to film the video guide at the Office of the Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment Tribunal means that people will see the environment that they will be in when taking a claim. We are grateful to the Tribunal for allowing us to do this and we hope that it helps to make things seem less daunting for people who are going through the Tribunal process.”
Samantha Park, Director of Legal and Senior Solicitor at Law Centre NI, added: “We are all entitled to fair treatment in the workplace and this bespoke video will assist anyone navigating the Employment Tribunal process. Everyone’s journey in the Employment Tribunal is different, but we hope that this video guide goes some way to ensuring that everybody has access to justice in the workplace.”
The Law Centre Employment Team knows that it can be stressful to take a case against your employer and that is why we help people to reach out of court solutions where possible. However, our legal team can also provide representation before the Employment Tribunal if necessary.
You can watch the videos in English, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Polish and access the written Guide to the Employment Tribunal here.
Our Employment Team offers free, specialist and confidential employment advice. You can contact our advice line on 028 9024 4401, Monday-Friday 09.30 -13.00.