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Work for asylum seekers Briefing 2: National Insurance Number March 2022 TIGRINYA

እዚ መጺኡ ዘሎ ሃደሽ ምቕይያራት ናይ ኢምግረሽን ህጊ ማለት ሃተቲ ዑቅባ ክሰርሑ ይክእሉ እዮም ማለት እዩ። እዚ ትካል ናይ ሕጊ ማእከል( law centre) ህጽር ዝበለ ጽሁፍ ብዛእባ እዚ ጉዳይ ሃተቲ ዑቅባ ከምይ ገሮም ካብ ሖም ኦፊስ ናይ ስራህ ፈቓድ ይሃቱ ዝብል ሃጺር ጽሁፍ ኣህቲሙ ነሩ. እቲ ካልኣይ ጽሁፍ ከኣ ነቶም ወረቐት ሂዞም ናይ ስራህ ፈቃድ ዘለዎም ዝምልከት እዩ። እዚ ጽሁፍ ኻኣ ጉዳይ ናይምውናን ቑጽሪ ሃገራዊ ድህነት ዝገልጽ እዩ., ብ ኣረብ ብ ፋርስ ብ ሶማልያን ብ ትግርጝን ተቶርጊሙ ይርከብ።

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/03/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 2: National Insurance Number March 2022 SOMALI

Isbeddel dhowaan lagu sameeyay sharciga dadka soo haajiray ayaa dhigaya in dadka magangalyodoonka ah qaarkood ay shaqayn karaan. Xarunta Sharciga ayaa goor hore soo saartay warqad xogwarran ah oo sharraxaysa sida magangalyodoonku inay shaqeeyaan uga codsan karaan Wasaaradda Arrimmaha Gudaha. Guji halkan oo raac tallaabooyinka. Warqadda xogwarranka ee labaad waxaa loogu talagalay magangalyodoonka mar hore loo oggolaaday inay shaqayn karaan. Waxay sharxaysaa waddada la maro si loo helo Nambarka Caymiska Qaranka oo waxaad ku heli kartaa qoraalka afafka Carabiga, Faarsiga, Soomaaliga iyo Tigriinya.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/03/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 2: National Insurance Number March 2022 FARSI

A recent change in immigration law means that some asylum seekers are now able to work. The Law Centre has already published a briefing paper that explains how asylum seekers can request permission to work from the Home Office. This second briefing paper is aimed at asylum seekers who have already obtained permission to work. It explains the process of obtaining a National Insurance Number and translations are available in Arabic, Farsi, Somali and Tigrinya.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/03/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 2: National Insurance Number March 2022 ARABIC

A recent change in immigration law means that some asylum seekers are now able to work. The Law Centre has already published a briefing paper that explains how asylum seekers can request permission to work from the Home Office. This second briefing paper is aimed at asylum seekers who have already obtained permission to work. It explains the process of obtaining a National Insurance Number and translations are available in Arabic, Farsi, Somali and Tigrinya.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/03/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 2: National Insurance Number March 2022

A recent change in immigration law means that some asylum seekers are now able to work. The Law Centre has already published a briefing paper that explains how asylum seekers can request permission to work from the Home Office. This second briefing paper is aimed at asylum seekers who have already obtained permission to work. It explains the process of obtaining a National Insurance Number and translations are available in Arabic, Farsi, Somali and Tigrinya.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/03/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 1: applying for permission to work February 2022 TIGRINYA

ኣብዚ ቐረባ ግዜ ኣብ ሕጊ ሓተቲ ዑቕባ እተገብረ ለውጢ ገሊኦም ሓተቲ ዕቝባ ስራሕ ኪጅምሩ ኣይኽእሉን ማለት ኢዩ። እዚ ሓጺር ጸብጻብ እዚ ነቶም ብዛዕባ እዚ ዝያዳ ሓበረታ ክፈልጡ ዚደልዩ ሓተቲ ዕቕባ ዘተኰረ እዩ። ብኽብረኩም ነዚ ሓበሬታ እዚ ተጠንቂቕኩም ከተንበብዎ ሓደራ። ንተወሳኺ ሓጺር ጸብጻብ ከኣ ማይግረሽን ጃስቲስ ፕሮጀክት (Migration Justice Project) ብዛዕባ እቲ መስርሕ ዝያዳ መምርሒ ክህበኩም ኢዩ። ድሕሪ ሓጺር እዋን ከኣ ትርጕም ኪርከብ እዩ።

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/02/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 1: applying for permission to work February 2022 SOMALI

Isbeddelka dhawaan lagu sameeyay sharciga socdaalka wuxuu la macno yahay in magangalyo-dooneyaasha qaarkood ay hadda awood u yeelan doonaan inay shaqo bilaabaan. Warbixintan kooban waxa loogu talagalay magangalyo-doonka doonaya inay arrintan wax badan ka ogaadaan Fadlan macluumaadkan si taxadar leh u akhri oo ka fiirso warbixino dheeraad ah oo ka socda Mashruuca Caddaaladda Socdaalka kaas oo ku siin doona hagitaan dheeraad ah habka. Turjumaada ayaa diyaar noqon doona waqti dhow.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/02/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Work for asylum seekers Briefing 1: applying for permission to work February 2022 FARSI

A recent change in immigration law means that some asylum seekers will now be able to start work. This short briefing is aimed at asylum seekers who wish to find out more about this. Please read this information carefully and look out for further briefings from the Migration Justice Project that will provide more guidance on the process. Translations are available in Arabic, Farsi, Somali and Tigrinya.

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/02/22 | Legal Information Briefing


Template letter – permission to work – fresh claim

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/01/22 | Template letter


Template letter – Permission to work – initial asylum claim

Asylum • Migrant rights • Permission to work | 13/01/22 | Template letter


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